- _children
GuiElement[] _children;
Undocumented in source.
- _hint
Hint _hint;
Undocumented in source.
- _isRegistered
bool _isRegistered;
Undocumented in source.
- _isLocked
bool _isLocked;
- _isMovable
bool _isMovable;
- _isHovered
bool _isHovered;
- _isClicked
bool _isClicked;
- _isSelected
bool _isSelected;
- _hasFocus
bool _hasFocus;
- _isInteractable
bool _isInteractable;
- _hasEventHook
bool _hasEventHook;
Undocumented in source.
- _position
Vec2f _position;
- _size
Vec2f _size;
- _anchor
Vec2f _anchor;
- _padding
Vec2f _padding;
- _center
Vec2f _center;
- _origin
Vec2f _origin;
Undocumented in source.
- _callbackGuiElement
GuiElement _callbackGuiElement;
Undocumented in source.
- _callbackId
string _callbackId;
Undocumented in source.
- _isIterating
bool _isIterating;
- _isWarping
bool _isWarping;
Undocumented in source.
- _idChildIterator
uint _idChildIterator;
Undocumented in source.
- _iteratorTimer
Timer _iteratorTimer;
- _iteratorTimeOutTimer
Timer _iteratorTimeOutTimer;
Undocumented in source.
- _screenCoords
Vec2f _screenCoords;
Undocumented in source.
- _alignX
GuiAlignX _alignX;
Undocumented in source.
- _alignY
GuiAlignY _alignY;
Undocumented in source.
- _currentStateName
string _currentStateName;
Undocumented in source.
- _currentState
GuiState _currentState;
- _targetState
GuiState _targetState;
- _initState
GuiState _initState;
Undocumented in source.
- _states
GuiState[string] _states;
Undocumented in source.
- _timer
Timer _timer;
Undocumented in source.
- setScreenCoords
void setScreenCoords(Vec2f screenCoords)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- setCanvas
void setCanvas(bool hasCanvas_, bool isSmooth)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- canvas
Canvas canvas [@property getter]
If set, the canvas used to be rendered on.
- hasCanvas
bool hasCanvas [@property getter]
bool hasCanvas [@property setter]
Is this GUI using a canvas ?
- hint
Hint hint [@property getter]
The hint window to be shown when hovering this GUI.
- children
const(GuiElement[]) children [@property getter]
GuiElement[] children [@property getter]
The list of all its children.
- nodes
GuiElement[] nodes [@property getter]
The list of all its own children.
- firstChild
GuiElement firstChild [@property getter]
Return the first child gui.
- lastChild
GuiElement lastChild [@property getter]
Return the last child gui.
- childCount
size_t childCount [@property getter]
The number of children it currently has.
- isLocked
bool isLocked [@property getter]
bool isLocked [@property setter]
Is this gui locked ? \
Call **onLock()** on change.
- isMovable
bool isMovable [@property getter]
bool isMovable [@property setter]
Is this gui movable ? \
Call **onMovable()** on change.
- isHovered
bool isHovered [@property getter]
bool isHovered [@property setter]
Is this gui hovered ? \
Call **onHover()** on change. (<- Not for now)
- isClicked
bool isClicked [@property getter]
bool isClicked [@property setter]
- isSelected
bool isSelected [@property getter]
bool isSelected [@property setter]
Is this gui selected ? \
Call **onSelect()** on change.
- hasFocus
bool hasFocus [@property getter]
bool hasFocus [@property setter]
Does this gui has focus ? \
Call **onFocus()** on change.
- isInteractable
bool isInteractable [@property getter]
bool isInteractable [@property setter]
Is this gui interactable ? \
Call **onInteractable()** on change.
- position
Vec2f position [@property getter]
Vec2f position [@property setter]
The gui position relative to its parent and alignment. \
Call **onPosition()** and **onDeltaPosition()** and **onCenter()** on change.
- scale
Vec2f scale [@property getter]
Vec2f scale [@property setter]
The scale of the gui (changed by GuiState).
- scaledSize
Vec2f scaledSize [@property getter]
The total size (size + scale) of the gui.
- size
Vec2f size [@property getter]
Vec2f size [@property setter]
The unscaled size of the gui. \
Call **onSize()** and **onDeltaSize()** and **onCenter()** on change. \
Resize the canvas if it was set (It reallocate the canvas, so be careful).
- anchor
Vec2f anchor [@property getter]
Vec2f anchor [@property setter]
The anchor of the gui. (I don't think it's used right now). \
Call **onAnchor()** and **onDeltaAnchor()** and **onCenter()** on change.
- center
Vec2f center [@property getter]
Center of the gui. \
If the canvas is set, only drawOverlay have the coordinate of its parent, the rest are in a relative coordinate.
- origin
Vec2f origin [@property getter]
The top left corner of the gui. \
If the canvas is set, only drawOverlay have the coordinate of its parent, the rest are in a relative coordinate.
- padding
Vec2f padding [@property getter]
Vec2f padding [@property setter]
Extra space on top of its size. \
Call **onPadding()** and update the gui size.
- color
Color color [@property getter]
Color color [@property setter]
Color of the actual state (GuiState) of the gui. \
Call **onColor()** on change.
- alpha
float alpha [@property getter]
float alpha [@property setter]
Alpha of the actual state (GuiState) of the gui. \
Call **onAlpha()** on change.
- angle
float angle [@property getter]
float angle [@property setter]
Angle of the actual state (GuiState) of the gui.
- Init
enum Init
Gui initialization options
- setInitFlags
void setInitFlags(int options)
- isInside
bool isInside(Vec2f pos)
- isOnInteractableGuiElement
bool isOnInteractableGuiElement(Vec2f pos)
Is it inside the gui and the gui is interactable ? \
Used to capture events.
- setHint
void setHint(string text)
Update the hint (Text that appear when hovering the gui) of the gui.
- setCallback
void setCallback(GuiElement callbackGuiElement, string callback)
Set an id that will be sent to the specified gui when **triggerCallback()** is fired.
- triggerCallback
void triggerCallback()
Send a previously set (with **setCallback()**) id to the previously specified gui.
- doTransitionState
void doTransitionState(string stateName)
Start a transition from the current state to the specified state.
- setState
void setState(string stateName)
The gui is set *immediately* to the specified state without transition.
- getState
string getState()
Current state name or currently transitioning to.
- addState
void addState(string stateName, GuiState state)
Add a new state to the list.
- setEventHook
void setEventHook(bool hasHook)
Does this gui receive events (with **onEvent()**) ?
- setAlign
void setAlign(GuiAlignX x, GuiAlignY y)
- setAlignX
void setAlignX(GuiAlignX x)
- setAlignY
void setAlignY(GuiAlignY y)
Sets the alignment relative to its parent. \
Position will be calculated from the specified alignement.
- getAlignX
GuiAlignX getAlignX()
- getAlignY
GuiAlignY getAlignY()
Returns the alignment relative to its parent.
- update
void update(float deltaTime)
Override this to set the gui logic.
The deltaTime is the time ratio for the last frame to the next.
It is equivallent to Actual framerate / Nominal framerate.
Ideally, it's equal to 1.
If the canvas is set, the coordinate are those *inside* the canvas.
- draw
void draw()
Override this to render the gui itself. \
If the canvas is set, the coordinate are those *inside* the canvas.
- drawOverlay
void drawOverlay()
Override this to render things above the gui. \
If the canvas is set, the coordinate are those *outside* the canvas.
- onEvent
void onEvent(Event event)
With the eventHook, receive all events. \
Useful if you want to control like for text input.
- onSubmit
void onSubmit()
- onCancel
void onCancel()
- onNextTab
void onNextTab()
Fired on the next tab event.
- onPreviousTab
void onPreviousTab()
Fired on the previous tab event.
- onUp
void onUp()
- onDown
void onDown()
- onLeft
void onLeft()
- onRight
void onRight()
- onQuit
void onQuit()
Fired when the application is exiting. \
Every gui in the tree receive this.
- onLock
void onLock()
Called when the lock state is changed.
- onMovable
void onMovable()
Called when the movable state is changed.
- onHover
void onHover()
Called when the hover state is changed.
- onSelect
void onSelect()
Called when the select state is changed.
- onFocus
void onFocus()
Called when the focus state is changed.
- onInteractable
void onInteractable()
Called when the interactable state is changed.
- onDeltaPosition
void onDeltaPosition(Vec2f delta)
Called when the position is changed. \
The delta value is the difference with the last position.
- onPosition
void onPosition()
Called when the position is changed.
- onDeltaSize
void onDeltaSize(Vec2f delta)
Called when the size is changed. \
The delta value is the difference with the last size.
- onSize
void onSize()
Called when the size is changed.
- onDeltaAnchor
void onDeltaAnchor(Vec2f delta)
Called when the anchor is changed. \
The delta value is the difference with the last anchor.
- onAnchor
void onAnchor()
Called when the anchor is changed.
- onCenter
void onCenter()
Called when the center of the gui moved.
- onPadding
void onPadding()
Called when the padding change.
- onColor
void onColor()
Called when the color change.
- onAlpha
void onAlpha()
Called when the opacity change.
- onAngle
void onAngle()
Called when the angle change.
- onCallback
void onCallback(string id)
Any callback set to this gui will call this.
- prependChild
void prependChild(GuiElement child)
Add a gui as a child of this one.
- appendChild
void appendChild(GuiElement child)
Add a gui as a child of this one.
- removeChildren
void removeChildren()
- removeChild
void removeChild(size_t index)
Remove the child at the specified index.
- removeChild
void removeChild(GuiElement gui)
Remove the specified child.
- removeSelf
void removeSelf()
Unregister itself from its parent or root.
A simple check box.