1 /** 
2  * Copyright: Enalye
3  * License: Zlib
4  * Authors: Enalye
5  */
6 module atelier.render.drawable;
8 import bindbc.sdl, bindbc.sdl.image;
9 import atelier.core;
11 /// Indicate if something is mirrored.
12 enum Flip {
13     none,
14     horizontal,
15     vertical,
16     both
17 }
19 package SDL_RendererFlip getSDLFlip(Flip flip) {
20     final switch (flip) with (Flip) {
21     case both:
22         return cast(SDL_RendererFlip)(SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL | SDL_FLIP_VERTICAL);
23     case horizontal:
24         return SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL;
25     case vertical:
26         return SDL_FLIP_VERTICAL;
27     case none:
28         return SDL_FLIP_NONE;
29     }
30 }
32 /// Blending algorithm \
33 /// none: Paste everything without transparency \
34 /// modular: Multiply color value with the destination \
35 /// additive: Add color value with the destination \
36 /// alpha: Paste everything with transparency (Default one)
37 enum Blend {
38     none,
39     modular,
40     additive,
41     alpha
42 }
44 /// Everything that can be rendered.
45 interface Drawable {
46     @property {
47         /// loaded ?
48         bool isLoaded() const;
49         /// Width in texels.
50         uint width() const;
51         /// Height in texels.
52         uint height() const;
54         /// Color added to the renderable.
55         Color color() const;
56         /// Ditto
57         Color color(Color);
59         /// Alpha
60         float alpha() const;
61         /// Ditto
62         float alpha(float);
64         /// Blending algorithm.
65         Blend blend() const;
66         /// Ditto
67         Blend blend(Blend);
68     }
70     /// Render the whole texture here
71     void draw(Vec2f pos, Vec2f anchor) const;
73     /// Render a section of the texture here
74     void draw(Vec2f pos, Vec4i srcRect, Vec2f anchor) const;
76     /// Render the whole texture here
77     void draw(Vec2f pos, Vec2f size, Vec2f anchor) const;
79     /// Render a section of the texture here
80     void draw(Vec2f pos, Vec2f size, Vec4i srcRect, Vec2f anchor) const;
82     /// Render a section of the texture here
83     void draw(Vec2f pos, Vec2f size, Vec4i srcRect, float angle, Flip flip,
84             Vec2f anchor = Vec2f.half) const;
85 }